

Women are better off in single-sex institutions Boys and girls are an unwelcome distraction to each other Boys and girls develop at different times and speeds, therefore they should be taught separately Teachers favour their own gender in co-educational schools ll the Yes points 1. it provides equal opportunities to all 2. A broader curriculum would be offered 3. It provides a better induction into our world 4. Single sex schools are bad for boys health 5. thbt boys and girls should be educated serparatley Children need to be exposed to the opposite sex in preparation for later life Single-sex schools are manifestations of patriarchal societies Single-sex institutions are bad for the emotional health of males All the No points 1. Girls’ learning is impeded by boys 2. Girls need to be cultured into independence 3. Relationships will form and will distract from education Conversation questions on education What do you think of single sex school? Co-educational schools? Did you suffer corporal punishment at school? Did you take notice of teachers? What is the normal school leaving age? Did you have to wear a uniform at school? What kind of school did you go to? Did you have to do much homework at school? Did you change school at any time? If so, why? How many pupils were there in your class? What did you learn at school? Did you do much sport at school? How long do children have to go to school for in Spain? Who run your school? The state, the church…? What is the normal fee for a private school? Grant-maintained school? Did you enjoy your education? In your opinion, which should be the key objectives of education? What do you think is the ideal size of a class in school? Who is responsible for disciplining an unruly child? What discipline measures are more effective? Are good results the most important at school? Are the costs of tuition related to quality results? Do you think the content of this course is correct?

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